miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014

Hello, fourth year students!! I want you to tell us some actions in the past which were previous to others.

6 comentarios:

  1. Hello, my mum phoned me. She needed help with my cousins before i went to my friends but my brother phoned me to went to buy some pizza.
    I went to my friends after i had helped my mum and i bought pizza after i had went to my friends
    Lorena Aniés

    1. ...before I went with my friends... me to go and buy some pizzas.
      I went with my friends after I had... I had gone with my...

      Good, Lorena but be careful!

  2. Hi! I got home late yesterday, because ehile I was going home I realized that I had forgotten my key in Alba's house. I went there after she had gone to the park. I phoned her and I waited for her for an hour! When she arrived took my key and I got home. Mum had got angry after I tried to explain what happened.

    1. ...because while...
      ...I took...
      ...angry before I tried to explain what had happened.

      Excellent, Clara! !

  3. He was reading when my mother call me for telephone, her had finished of working when found with my sister while I did mi homeworks, she was with his friends in this moment . Leyre naval

    1. ...my mother phoned.
      he had finished working when he met my sister.
      While I was doing my homework...

